Kleral System - Champú Huile d´argan 250 ml
Kleral System - Champú Huile d´argan 250 ml
    Kleral System - Champú Huile d´argan 250 ml - Coserty Beauty Shop
    Kleral System - Champú Huile d´argan 250 ml - Coserty Beauty Shop

    Kleral System - Shampoo Huile d´argan 250 ml

    Shampoo for hair with argan oil, treats and moisturizes at the same time. After application, the hair remains soft, shiny, voluminous and healthy.

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    - Shampoo for hair with argan oil, treats and moisturizes at the same time.

    - Contains argan oil, fatty acids, proteins, and vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) that nourish the hair and scalp.

    - It is also suitable for hair dyeing. After application, the hair remains soft, shiny, voluminous and healthy.

    Huille Dárgán

    - Huile d Argan is the authentic response of the nature to wear a healthy hair with life, bright and smooth.

    - This is a line that is born of nature.

    - It is an extraordinary new line designed in the laboratory Kléral of products for the health and beauty of the hair and improves the results of all treatments: from the styling to the packaging and final touch.

    - It is a special oil that is obtained from the fruit of a tree that is found only in the southwestern part of Morocco, rich in nutritious principles, and important substances for the organism: it is a powerful antioxidant, protects from UV rays and neutralizes free radicals.

    - Rich in vitamins, strengthens hair and makes it more elastic.

    In stock
    250 ml
    Product Type
    Desired Result
    Product with Rinsing
    Kleral System
    Huile D'aargan
    Manufacturer's information
    Kléral System srl | Via Lurisia 6, 10024 Moncalieri (Torino) - IT | Email: [email protected] | Tlf: +39 0116479020
    EU Responsible Person
    Kléral System srl | Via Lurisia 6, 10024 Moncalieri (Torino) - IT | Email: [email protected] | Tlf: +39 0116479020

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