The SU family of products is a complete routine to protect hair and skin before and after sun exposure. Enjoy the sun without worry – these healing, hydrating and nourishing products are your hair and skin lifesaver this summer.

The SU line consists of a combination of active ingredients that support biodiversity + high biodegradability = a family of products that protect us from the sun and that benefit you and the sea.

SU by Davines

Before sun exposure

- Although SU Hair Milk is ideal for use both before and after sun exposure, it is ideal for use as a treatment preventive.

- Protects the hair thanks to the anti-UV-A and UV-B filters, preventing it from drying out and being damaged by the sun´s rays.

- Use it after the sun exposure as an additional conditioning treatment after SU Hair & Body wash.

After sun exposure

- SU Hair & Body wash is a hydrating shampoo that hydrates the hair and skin after being outdoors.

- Hair damaged by the sun, chlorine and salt can be restored using the SU hair mask as a repairing and moisturizing anti-aging treatment.

- SU Aftersun is a soothing gel rich in minerals that hydrates and restores the skin´s hydration levels after exposure to the sun.

A refreshing formula

Slow Food Protective Citrus

SU is formulated with ´citrus myrtifolia´ extract, coming directly from Mr. Parodi´s farm in Savona, Italy.

Antioxidant with Vitamin C


Also known as "chinotto", this protected citrus extract contains antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties, such as vitamin C, which protect hair and skin cells from free radicals caused by prolonged exposure to sun.

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