Davines Alchemic
Highlight the color, natural or cosmetic, of your hair
Alchemic is a system of shampoos and conditioners that contain pure pigments that can intensify the color, natural or cosmetic, of the hair giving it shine and hydration.
It is a non-permanent coloration that allows you to have the freedom to experiment without worries. All shades can be creatively blended or used individually to maintain and highlight hair color, whether natural or cosmetic.
Spectacular colors and hydrated hair.
Why does color have to be a compromise?
Alchemic coloring fades with washes, allowing you to try new looks without strings attached.
Each color of the Alchemic system covers a different range of shades. Platinum blondes can avoid unwanted golden tones with 'Alchemic Silver'. Dark chestnut trees can use 'Alchemic Chocolate', and coppery ones can be refreshed with 'Alchemic Copper'.
Personalized color and treatment with Alchemic
- It brings vibrant tones and shine to your hair.
- Formulas with protective agents that help moisturize and cleanse hair gently.
- Highlight and beautify gray hair and gray tones with 'Alchemic Silver'.
- Maximum creativity! Different shades can be mixed to create a personalized look.
- Intensifies the tone of colored hair.
- Prolongs the life of coloring between 2 color services.
The term "alchemy" comes from the Arabic word "Al-kimia", which means chemistry in its purest form.
Gentle yet intense formulas
Alchemic formulas contain protective agents that provide hydration and help prevent split ends. Alchemic shampoos contain a gentle cleansing agent that delicately preserves color.
Spectacular colors
Alchemic contains direct and pure pigments that are deposited on the surface of the hair, revitalizing the color and preserving the intensity of the reflection between one color service and the next. It provides wonderful reflections and strengthens the fiber from the inside.